An analysis of the relationship among britain , india and china in commercial intercourses before the opium wars indicates the rapid increase of trades among india , china and britain which ultimately forms the triangular trades among the three countries and solves once and fur all the problems of britain in economic invasion in india and china 通过英国与印度;英国与中国;印度与中国在鸦片战争前贸易关系的比较分析,可以看出在英国东印度公司的活动下,英属印度对华贸易加大,利用原棉和鸦片吸收了中国大量的资金,形成了英、印、中三角贸易,彻底解决了英国在印度和中国进行经济入侵的主要难题。
The “ triangular trade ” as it was known , whereby slave - ships left european ports for west africa with rum , guns , textiles and other goods to exchange for slaves , and then transported them across the atlantic to sell to plantation - owners , and then returned with sugar and coffee , also fuelled the first great wave of economic globalisation 当时奴隶贸易被称为“三角贸易” ,奴隶船载满朗姆酒、枪支和纺织品等货物离开欧洲港口到达西非换取奴隶,接下来经由大西洋把奴隶卖给(美洲)种植园主,然后再把蔗糖和咖啡运回来,同时也推动了第一次经济全球化的浪潮。